Youth Action Plan

The Department of Human Services (DHS) is developing a new Youth Action Plan for South Australia in consultation with young people and youth stakeholders.

The new plan aims to provide young people with better access to opportunities, resources, and support; especially those young people experiencing isolation, disadvantage, marginalisation, and discrimination.

DHS has actively partnered with South Australians aged 15 to 25 throughout the development of the plan. This includes three rounds of consultation, where young people’s voices were prioritised, and their feedback incorporated.

The plan incorporates six key themes identified by young people:

  • Greater access to mental health support and services
  • Connection to services and activities available in the young person’s community
  • Increased access to age appropriate, affordable, and accessible sport and recreation activities or opportunities
  • More support with post-school pathways, including the teaching of `life skills’ or `how to adult’
  • Greater access to housing and rental accommodation
  • Inclusion in decision-making.

The draft plan includes 27 key actions covering these six key themes, which have been carefully crafted, tested and refined with young people.

Public consultation

Consultation on the draft plan has now closed.

Thank you to the young people aged 15 to 25, youth-led organisations, and those that support young people who provided feedback on South Australia’s draft Youth Action Plan 2024–2027.

Your feedback is being reviewed. The final Youth Action Plan 2024–2027 will be launched during SA Youth Week in April 2025, and published on this page.

SA Youth Action Plan - Youth Mental Wellbeing grant

Throughout the consultation process, young people identified access to mental health support as their key area of concern. In response, DHS provided $180,000 in funding through the SA Youth Action Plan Youth Mental Wellbeing grant.

Successful applicants were funded up to $15,000 to deliver community-based and peer-to-peer mental health support initiatives, with consideration given to those targeting regional and remote locations.

See the list of grant recipients

Contact us

For more information, contact the DHS Social Inclusion team

Page last updated 14 February 2024